To book completely online: choose the option below that best fits the guided trip you are looking for, once completed Nick will contact you directly to confirm your dates and location. You can now book three person wade/remote and euro nymph trips - just click on the “2 persons” trip you wish to book and click the “3 person” add on option above.

If you are looking to book a multi-day trip or a group of 4 persons or larger, you can contact by phone or email directly for rates and availability.

*Please note - all full day drift trips start no later than 8:00am or at guides discretion.


To book over phone/email: click the button below to fill out paperwork and contact us to schedule your future guide trip!

My wife wasn’t sure she wanted to fly fish, a little nervous, but Nick was outstanding in teaching her the basics and how to safely navigate the water while finding fish. We both felt it exceeded our expectations.
— Ted
Nick was an awesome guide. His expertise and experience was evident during the info session, as well as our time fishing on the river. nick’s advice and pointers while fishing certainly helped to improve my technique. He was very patient, complimentary and supportive. I have been fishing all my life, but this was my first experience with fly fishing, Nick made it very relaxed and honestly the best guided trip I have ever chartered.
— Tye

Lindsey and Nick Proulx

Lindsey and Nick Proulx 2017


Nicholas Proulx
